MeBattery engages in EIC initiated activities
Since the beginning of 2024, MeBattery has continued to participate in the activities of the European Innovation Council’s MLDES (Mid to long term and system integrated energy storage) portfolio, and to benefit from the support offered to the portfolio members.
Together with representatives from the other eight projects in the portfolio, EURICE is currently taking part in the Innovation Training Course “How to turn this into business” hosted by EISMEA, the European Agency implementing the European Innovation Council (EIC). The course guides its participants through the process of turning groundbreaking research results into innovations bringing tangible change to the market and society. MeBattery profits from this training course by implementing its valuable lessons into the project’s dissemination and exploitation strategies, optimizing and finetuning them for greater and faster impact of the technology in its many potential applications.
The kick-off of the training series was on 19 February 2024, since then, another session took place on 11 March 2024 and we are looking forward to future events.
In addition to this portfolio training course, Universidad de Burgos participated in the EIC CleanTech Community of Practices (CoP) Community Building Workshop, which took place online on 27 February 2024. The Community Building Session was the first event of the EIC Communities project, a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded by Horizon Europe, that gathers EIC-supported innovators, EIC Programme Managers and external experts with diverse backgrounds and experiences. The main goals of the session were to i) understand expectations and needs of all participants, and ii) define main activities and topics to be covered by the CoP. MeBattery is happy to have participated in such a successful event.