MeBattery project joins the EIC Energy Storage Portfolio
Right at the start of MeBattery, the project was invited to join the Energy Storage Portfolio, launched by the European Innovation Council (EIC), as part of the electrochemical energy storage sub-programme. Our Coordinator Dr. Edgar Ventosa represented the Mebattery project in the Kick-off Meeting that took place online on May 16-19, 2022.
During the event, more than 25 EU-funded projects in the field of energy storage were presented which were clustered in 3 sub-programmes: 1) electrochemical energy storage, 2) electrical and chemical energy storage and 3) thermal energy storage. The event sought the promotion of synergies, networking among key actors in the European Energy Storage thematic field as well as discussing opportunities, innovative solutions and new directions in energy storage.
The members of the Energy Storage Portfolio of the European Innovation Council will meet regularly to discussed needs, progress and new opportunities.