Training on electrochemical characterization at IMDEA
In MeBattery, we consider active exchange among the partners as essential to foster excellent research and produce great results. This includes visits of individuals from one institution to the premises of another institution. More often than not, this involves PhD students.
Most recently, on 21-23 February 2024, Gimena Marin from University of Burgos went to see Rebeca Marcilla and their team at IMDEA Energy in Madrid. In MeBattery, IMDEA Energy are the experts for evaluating experimentally the partitioning behaviour of the redox mediators and their electrochemical performance in the aqueous biphasic systems. Within the scope of an inter-partner training, Gimena performed conventional characterization of solid electroactive materials which are used in redox-mediated flow batteries. This training was particularly useful to Gimena as she can apply her new knowledge to the electrochemical characterization of solid boosters at University of Burgos. As the training was a success, a few samples were kept at IMDEA Energy for evaluating the long-term ageing.