Updated Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan Adopted by European Commission
The European Commission has adopted a revised version of the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan in October 2023, which aligns with the objectives set out in the European Green Deal, REPowerEU Plan, and the Green Deal Industrial Plan, including the Net-Zero Industry Act. The adoption underscores a coordinated approach towards achieving Europe’s decarbonisation goals.
Since its launch in 2007, the SET Plan has been instrumental in supporting the development of clean, efficient, and cost-competitive energy technologies. The revised SET Plan will continue to be essential for delivering on the fifth dimension of the Energy Union – Research, Innovation, and Competitiveness – and will also be firmly anchored within the European Research Area (ERA) framework.
The Commission’s actions include new priorities on cross-cutting issues such as sustainability by design, skills development, research and innovation, tailored to societal needs, digitalisation, and market accessibility. The revised SET Plan also expands the current technology scope to encompass all strategic renewable energy technologies and establishes a dedicated workstream on hydrogen. These actions align with the focus of the MeBattery project on developing efficient and sustainable energy storage solutions.
The SET Plan will also forge cooperations between the European Technology and Innovation Platforms and the European industrial alliances, including the Battery Alliance. This cooperation will foster investment and reinforce manufacturing capacity in clean energy technologies, directly benefiting projects like MeBattery.
Read more: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_5146